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Termite Swarmers in Rhode Island

A press release about Swarming Termites written in Charlestown, RI on February 18, 2009

Charlestown, RI February 18, 2009 -- They're here ... those tiny terrifying, little bugs that are known to cause $5 billion in damages to our homes and businesses. It is swarming season, when termite colonies send off large numbers of winged reproductive termites, called "swarmers". Hundreds to thousands of these swarmers appear inside our home or building, flying a short distance before falling to the ground and losing their wings. Soon afterwards, female termites emit a pheromone to attract male termites for mating. Afterwards, these termites search for a location to begin a new colony. 
"Termite Season is upon us and the first coast area has already had some swarming activity," said Rob Sullivan owner of Cobra Pest Control. Termites are visible during swarm season, when clouds of flying termites can occur both indoors and outdoors. Termite swarming is a good reminder that the best line of defense against them is to have your home inspected but not necessarily treated.

Rob said based on our warmer and wetter winter, termite swarm season is expected to be more active than in recent years; but there is good news. A more integrated approach to fighting them. We are using a more integrated approach utilizing a non-repellent termiticide.

If an infestation is found within the house, it's best to get more than one estimate and then evaluate what each company is offering in terms of both the treatment and guarantee. People should not feel pressured into making a quick decision. Even if a homeowner spent several weeks deciding what to do, termites are not going to cause significantly more damage during that time.

Termites thrive in moist conditions with plenty of wood. 

Cobra Pest Control, a Rhode Island leader, is an integrated pest management company and a family owned business headquartered in Charlestown RI Servicing residential and commercial clients, Cobra takes pride in prompt, efficient and reliable service. Cobra's services include Pest Control, Termite Control, Mosquito Control and many other pest related services. Cobra Pest Control services all of Rhode Island. 

March 30, 2017
Termite Posts
Rob Sullivan, the President of Cobra Pest Control Inc. Brings over 31 years of Exterminating Experience in the Pest Control field to this Blog Forum.