An Earwig is a long and narrow insect approximately 1/4” to almost an 1” long. There is a myth that they will crawl inside an ear and eat the brain. This is not true. Earwigs do have long scary looking pincers on the back of their abdomen that they use to hold their prey and for defense. Earwig Pincers may give a painful pinch but rarely will it break the skin. Earwigs also have a pair of small wings and can fly although very clumsily.
Earwigs are a reddish brown to almost black in color. A newly molted nymph may be white for a short time. You will usually find Earwigs clustered together. Earwigs will range in size depending on the age. A Newly Hatched Earwig will resemble a full grown adult but on a smaller scale. The nymph will continue to grow and molt several times until it is a full sized adult. It will then try to survive the winter.
Earwigs do not bite nor do they sting. They will try to pinch you with their Pincers and it may be a little painful but probably will not break the skin.
Earwigs can be found in every part of the house but usually where there moisture such as bathrooms, kitchen and basement. If Earwigs spend any amount of time in one particular area there will be some Earwig Feces that look like a small dark granular dots. If you move a rock or a log in the yard you may see them in greater numbers.
Earwigs will enter your home in search of food and shelter or to escape excessively hot weather or overly wet weather. They may be inadvertently brought in in a box or other Item stored in the garage or outside.
Earwigs can be partially controlled by eliminating harborage areas, food and moisture. You can also spray yourself or call a Earwig Control Specialist like Rob from Cobra Pest Control.